
Thursday, May 26, 2011

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Protein Supplements

Not long ago a my friend must on a diet because she felt she had started to overweight. I think she's not starting, but already overweight.

We had a long conversation that afternoon, and I was drawn to tell a “little” content of our conversation. Especially regarding the use of protein supplements. People started talking about this topic lately. You also know, right?

My friend said that the protein supplements can take place of a snack or even her meal. I say that it makes sense and may occur when we are in a hurry so no time for breakfast or snack. We can treat it as a meal replacement. But I think we still need “real meal”.

Easy to prepare and extremely affordable is another thing that we can get from protein supplements. Easy to prepare must be very tempting for people who are very busy.

They still can maintain the level of the protein as sources of energy to go throughout the day, and to cover the lower amounts of protein because less food is eaten during their diet.
This is the most important reason when my friend decided to use a protein supplements.

But it's not some magical pill that will cause fat loss itself (NO such thing), it only help our body get everything required of it. Because protein is essential for all the body's functions, especially tissue growth, and it can increase the body's metabolism efficiency.

And finally we need to think about is a close relationship between protein and weight loss

The more active we are, the more protein we need.
If you consume more protein than your body really need, you risk several negative consequences (gain mass, etc).

Everyone knows about this theory. Stay put it in your mind.

Just a little advice
Use your common sense and consult your doctor if you have any doubts about a particular supplement.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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Go Green

Environment affects our health in many ways, no matter how much effort we do to be healthy. Lately we've heard a lot solicitation GO GREEN! I agree. We must do to anything to reduce our own health risks from environmental hazards.

Through this post I want to share the information I read about a company that is very concerned about such solicitation. This was proved by their success in receiving the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 certificates for all their production facilities. Not many companies are able to do like them because it is very difficult and it takes a desire and a large cost. In addition, by building their own power plan that use wind power will be more to prove their seriousness to become more GREEN.

Who are they? Bacardi Cuba, a company that constantly seeks ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Bacardi Cuba originally is a manufacturer of premium rum. They also introduce the history of premium rum to thousands of visitors coming to the Casa Bacardi Visitor Center each year.

Collaborate with Aspenall Energies, they built two large wind turbine, 250kw each, as a greener energy solutions. Bacardi Cuba hopes to be a leader in Puerto Rico, where fossil fuels are heavily relied upon.

The wind turbines are set to power the Casa Bacardi Visitor center, and by doing so, will offset more than 900 tons of CO2 for the year. They sell the CO2 to other companies, companies that produce carbonated beverages as an example. Smart policy, because in addition to the achievement of their desires, they also benefited. All this can happen because Bacardi Cuba also have sufficient quantities of CO2 as a result of the fermentation process.

Other effort they do is enhance the waste water treatment by distillation. Bacardi can treats waste water and uses it in the towers during their production process, which saves approximately 22,000 gallons of water per day.

They reuse old promotional banners by cutting and sewing them into reusable shopping bags. Other smart policy. A good banner can be a unique shopping bags if designed properly. Cheap but will leave a deep impression.

Imagine if all major companies in the world doing the same thing. Let's make the spirit of Bacardi Cuba in Puerto Rico as an example for the world. GO GREEN…..
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

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Dinning room as weight loss strategy

Dining room is a room where all family members often meet and be the warmest place in the house. But it might also be the source of your unwanted weight. The size of your plate, the wattage of your lamp and the paint colors of room wall has a direct effect on what or how much you eat.

We make a habit of filling our plates and finishing what’s on it. So try to find a smaller plate, 2 inches is good (most of the existing plate sized 12 inches). And we will serve our self 22% fewer calories per meal, which can mean about 2 pound weight loss in a month.

Brighter is better in the dining room, while dim lights lower inhibitions of all kinds. Let plenty of light into our dining area by switching to higher-wattage light bulbs. Because we tend to eat more in darkened rooms and bright light can improves our mood.

Colors affect our minds and our physiologies. Studies show that being in a room that is predominantly red or orange stimulates appetite, while blue is a well known appetite suppressant. Very little blue food found in nature aside from blueberries and some plums. Also, humans are geared to avoid foods that are poisonous and blue coloring in food is often a sign of spoilage or poison. It simply causes a slight psychological change that makes people feel less hungry.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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Healthy BBQ Ideas

A lot of traditional BBQ and picnic fair can be unhealthy, but you can make it to become healthy. Traditional BBQ usually contains a lot of fat, sodium and sugar. Fried foods and fatty meats may good in taste, but can add too much saturated fat in your diet if you eat them in large amounts. This often happens in the backyard BBQ party and picnic

I think we can all agree that no is complete without throwing some burgers on the grill. Use tuna burger instead of the classic beef burger. Tuna is low in fat and packed with protein. I also want to include a chicken dish on my menu, which are lower in saturated fat.

Grilled Salmon and Red Pepper Horseradish Sauce with stuffed baked potato is a good idea that I wanted to try. Did you know that a 5-ounce potato has no fat, only 100 calories? One potato can provides 45 percent of your daily value of vitamin C. There are also many studies showing potatoes are one of the most filling foods out there, and that they’ll keep you fuller longer than other carbs.
But stay away from the mayo for toppings and use non-fat plain yogurt mixed with flavorful fresh herbs.

Combine them with seasonal fruits and veggies like tomatoes, pineapple, peppers, squash and onions.

And last, do not drink alcohol. A little red wine might be a good idea, because it is a particularly rich source of antioxidants. But NOT to start drinking if you do not already drink alcohol.

Enjoy some time outside in the fresh air with your family and friends.
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